TPWD Game Warden Field Notes – Lake Mohave
The following are excerpts from recent Texas Parks and Wildlife Department law enforcement reports.
All In A Night’s Work — A Calhoun County game warden recently worked in the Port O’Connor area starting one evening until the next morning. During the night, he wrote citations to six individuals (including a commercial finfisherman) for violations including taking undersize flounder, undersize redfish, taking redfish by illegal means (gigging), taking spotted sea trout by illegal means (gigging), and being over the bag limit for flounder. Twenty-eight fish were seized, including 20 flounder, seven redfish, and one 23-inch speckled trout. Criminal cases and civil restitution are pending.
All He Saw Were the Red and Blue Lights — While sitting at a county road intersection in Cochran County, a Lamb County game warden recently observed two vehicles pull up to the intersection. The lead vehicle slowed to within 30 feet of the warden, not seeing him. The passenger stuck his shotgun out of the window and shot at doves sitting on the fence. The driver pulled up another few feet to see if any traffic was coming. All he saw were the red and blue lights flashing. Charges are pending.
It’s All Coming Back To Me Now — Earlier this month, a game warden noticed a fresh deer hide lying on a county road near Singleton in Grimes County. Several miles down the county road, the warden came to a residence where four men were sitting in a circle in the front yard having a serious 2 p.m. drinking session. The warden noticed blood on the rear of a vehicle as he was walking towards the group. All members of the group assured the warden they knew nothing about the deer skin down the road and had killed absolutely nothing. When the blood on the vehicle was mentioned, they suddenly remembered killing a few hogs. They continued to strongly deny killing any deer. Within minutes, the warden found an ice chest and a six-point buck. One of the men suddenly remembered killing this deer with a bow and forgetting to tag it. However, an inspection of the deer revealed it to have eight legs. Another short search revealed an eight-point buck head hidden in a nearby tree. The investigation continues and cases are pending. – Lake Mohave