The popularity of Richland Chambers is on the rise and will continue to become even more popular. Richland Chambers has some of the best fishing you will find in the state of Texas. If you fish for black bass, white bass, crappie or catfish, RC is where the action is at.
In 1991 my husband and I won a fully rigged Champion Boat, fishing the TABC Classic Championship here on RC. I had located the fish about a month prior to the tournament. The day the fish were located, I had cast a bubble gum/ June bug worm into some timber. The action took place, I had a ~51b bass on and their was at least five other 5 lb.’ers trying to take the worm away from the one I had hooked. Action such as this will get your blood to pumping. I loved it , pulled out of the hole knowing that the quality of fish that lived here would definitely be a win for the boat. We never returned to the hole until tournament morning. First day of the tournament we had a limit within 15 minutes of over 20 lbs. left the hole for the rest of the day. Second day of the tournament had a limit again within 15 minutes , took a little longer to catch our bigger fish, but we done it by ~1:00 and pulled out of the hole with the confidence of winning. That evening we pulled a new rig home.
My opinion of course is RC is the best lake in Texas. It’s normal for a guide to praise the lake they guide on. Other anglers I have spoke with have mutual-feeling as ~I on RC.
Bob Rayel from Whitney a tournament angler, believes RC has better quality and quanity of black bass than any other lake he has fished in 5 years. His experience while fishing was on tank dams. Bob caught fish all over the lake , but the most exciting experience was when a tree would begin to shake, a explosion on his worm while in the tree, out would come a ~51b bass. The shaking of the trees yielded Bob a first place win in a Angler’s Choice tournament in 1992. He has also placed high in other tournaments here.
Ken Knott, TABC President and tournament angler states RC is in the league with Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend as far as quantity of. RC is the best producing lake in the state of Texas. The studies from Texas Parks and Wildlife shows RC has a faster growth rate of fish than any–other lake in Texas. Ken has won and placed high in tournaments here.
I could continue for pages giving different opinions of the fishing , from different anglers. Everyone ~I spoke with agrees 100% RC is one of the best lakes to fish. – Lake Havasu
– Lake Havasu