Overnight low air temperature of 55 degrees has the fish a little slow today. Water temperature dropped to the low 60’s from upper 60’s just a few days ago.
The northern section of the reservoir is constrained by the steep rock walls of Black Canyon for a length of 22 miles and is narrower than 300 ft in places. This portion of the reservoir is primarily riverine. South of Black Canyon, Lake Mohave gradually widens to nearly 4 miles in Cottonwood Basin.
At 647-foot elevation, the Lake Mohave has a total storage capacity of 1,818,300 acre-ft, a maximum depth of approximately 100 ft, and just over 28,000 surface acres with roughly half of the lake found in Arizona and half in Nevada.
Game fish species include smallmouth bass, striper, largemouth bass, rainbow trout, bluegill sunfish, crappie, and channel catfish. Nongame fish include carp, razorback sucker, bonytail chub, red shiner and threadfin shad.